1.Round to be Shota.FROSTBITE (3 Dozen arrows at 30 metres on a 80cm target face)b.10 Zone Scoringc.Shot Outdoors
2. Club League Secretaries a. Clubs must appoint a League Secretary whose familiar with using Email and the Internet. b. Each Club’s League Secretary duties will include:-1.to register all the their club's teams, ensuring the correct payment is sent to the League Organiser.2.to gater together their Club’s Scores, work out their Teams and submit them correctly each month not later than 3rd day of the following month.3.tocommunicatebacktotheirClub,theLeague'sDivisions,Fixtures,ResultsandLatestLeagueTables. ThiscandonebyencouragingtheirmemberstousetheCheshireArcheryAssociation’sWebsite– www.cheshirearchery.organdfollowingthelinktotheLeaguesWebsitebyclickingontheWinter LeaguesButtonand/orprintingofftheDivisions,Fixtures,ResultsandtheLatestLeagueTablesfor posting on their club’s Notice Boards/Websites.4.Distribute any Medals won by their Club’s Teams sent to them by the League Organiser.
3. Bow Disciplines definitions in the Leagues – as described in the ArcherGB/GNAS Rules of Shooting - April 2014Recurve - Rule 202Compound - Rules 207 & 208Longbow - Rules 206Recurve Barebow - Rule 204
4. Registration of Teams in the Leaguea.Club’sLeagueSecretariesmustsubmittheirClubsTeamswithBowType(Compound,Longbow,Recurve orRecurveBarebow)andEstimatedTeamScore(ifanewteamforthiscomingseason).ThisEstimated TeamscoreortheaggregateteamscorefromthelastSeasonisgoingtobeusedtodecidewhich Division a team competes in so please to be fair to other Club's do not under estimate your team's score. b.Club’smustregistertheirinterestandeachteam’sdetailsviathewebsite(‘RegisteraTeam’).Oncethe LeagueOrganiserreceivestheRegistration,hewillconfirmyourdetailsviaEmailandalsosupplythe NameandPostalAddresstosendtheEntryFeesfortheteamsthathavebeenregisterto.Oncethe correctfeeshavebeenreceivedeachClubLeagueSecretarywillbeconfirmedbyEmailandalsobe allocated a Userid & password to allow them access to the Submit A Team Score page.c.Registrationofteams(thisincludessendingofanypaymentEntryFeestotheLeagueOrganiser)mustbe completedbynolaterthan11thApril2021inorderfortheDivisionsandFixturestobecalculated.Once thesehavebeencalculatedtheywillbepostedontheWebsiteaswellasacopybeingsenttoeach Club’s League Secretary ready for the 1st May, the start of the matches.
5. Team Make upa.The estimate Team score or the aggregate Team score from last season's score will be Separate Divisions for Compound, Longbow, Recurve and Recurve Barebow.b.There is no limit on how many teams a Club can enter into each of the Leagues. However, there could be a restriction depending on how many teams register and how many Divisions can be formed from the teams registered. Final Decision will lie with the League Organiser. c.Team Sizes: For Compound and Recurve Teams - 3 Archers per Team and for Recurve Barebow and Longbow - 2 Archers per Team.d.Teams are made up of each club’s top scoring rounds – If more than one team is entered from a Club for a Bow type then the Team is made up of the top 3 scores for Recurve and Compound) and top 2 Scores for Recurve Barebow and Longbow for that month and the B team is made up of the 4th, 5th and 6th top scores (Recurve and Compound) and 3rd and 4th for Recurve Barebow and Longbow Teams for that month and so on. e.Archers can shoot as many rounds as they like each month, submitting only their top scoring round to their Club’s League Secretary for assessment.f.An Archer may shoot in one or more of the Leagues, but can only represent their club once each month in each of these leagues.g.An Archer can only shoot for one Club in these Leagues.
7. Paymenta.Entry Fee for each Team is £5.00.b.Payment for each team registered to compete in the league must be received by the Organiser by no later than 31st May, 2021.c.Bank Transfers please due to COVID-19 Restrictionsd.Full details will be given during the registration process.8. Awardse.Medals will be awarded to the top team in each of the divisions in each of the leagues - A Medal for every Archer who has shot for the winning Team over the 5 months the league has been operating. f.Medals will be presented, somehow, to the Winning Club League Secretaries at some stage - to be finalised September 2021 - to be determine what the Soical Distancing Measures are being followed.9. Generalg.All communications is via Email with exception of the payment of Entry Fee.h.The League Organiser has the final decision with matters concerning these Leagues.
6. Matchesa.5 Monthly matches starting in May 2021, ending in September 2021, hopefully.b.Points will be awarded as follows: WIN - 3 points DRAW - 2 points LOSS - 1 point.c.If a Team fails to submit a Team score then please Submit a Team Score of NIL with 'DID NOT SHOOT' as the first Archer Name as this useful for the Organiser to know.d.To gain any points a team score must have at least one score in a team. e.All scores MUST to be submitted online via website. The County League Organiser will confirm receiving each Clubs teams score. That way we can practically eliminate invalid submissions.f.An extra Point will be awarded each month in each division for the highest individual score in that month.g.At the end of the season (after the September Matches) a team has managed to win all their 5 matches then 4 extra Bonus Points are awarded to that team to ensure that they win their respective Division.h.Scores from clubs for each month’s matches must be submitted no later than the end of 3rd dayof the following month and it is each Club’s League Secretary responsibility to ensure the County League Organiser has received these scores.NOTE: failure to do so will lead to your club forfeiting those matches.i.The League Organiser will not chase the scores up with the Club's League Secretaries as in the past - this due to several Secretaries unfortunately not submitting on time and causing considerable delay in calculating and then publishing of the results each month the league is operating.j.Where a Team's fixture is set as a BYE they must shoot and submit a Team Score to gain the maximum points.k.At the end of season, after the September Matches, 4 Bonus points will be awarded to the team winning ALL of their 5 monthly matches , should it be necessary, to ensure they finish in 1st place in their Division.