Sports Hall at Cheshire Sports club Plas Newton Lane, Upton, Chester, CH2 1PR.JUNIORS 9.30am to 12.30pm•Saturday October 26th•Saturday November 16th•Saturday January 4th•Saturday January 25th•Saturday February 15thArchers who have already started going to competitions or who are showing potential are all welcome to attend..
Saturdays 1pm to 4pm
•26th October •November 16th•January 4th•January 25th•February 15th
The Archer Training Sessions for 2024/2025, both Senior and Junior have been finalised as shown below….a)squads/experiencedarcherswhowanttomeetupoverthewinter andhaveminicompsandshareexperienceandseekanycoachingguidance,b)Archerswhoarejuststartingtoattendorarethinkingaboutgoingto competitionsorarcherswhoareshowingpotentialandwouldliketowork withcoachestoimprovetheirarcheryandmeetupwitharchersata similar level.c)Coachestoworkwithhigherlevelcoachesandgain5CPDpointsat eachsessiontheyattend.SessioncoachesandLevel2coachesneed CPD points in order to renew their licences.
Sports Hall at Cheshire Sports club Plas Newton Lane, Upton, Chester, CH2 1PR.